Through our memories we reimagine and reform our sense of the past, these stories become our personal and collective histories. “Forever and a Day” is an exhibition of art works at Day & Night Project Space in Atlanta, GA. Within this exhibition I aimed to reinterpret specific memories of travel to spectacular natural places and sandy destinations of escape. The paintings and drawings describe fantastical and bizarre landscapes through fabricated sculptures and saturated paintings of fictitious places. An immersive installation distills the elements of those experiential memories down into essential, sensory parts; light, geological material, form, and color. These components are then reconstituted and collaged together creating a new physical space. This retelling and abbreviated aesthetic interpretation of memory and place conjure historical debates around conceived beauty and the sublime, the uncanny within nature, and of a personal invented manifest destiny. “Forever and a Day” investigates the theoretical and philosophical basis of our sense of time and reality around an ever elusive present and constantly rewritten notion of the past.
Palm (drawings)